Mom is, for the most part, pretty ok ! Her mind an be as sharp as a tack on a lot of days, but..... that doesn't translate into taking care of herself. She is supposed to take Aricept every day. If I call and ask her if she has done so, she always says - 'yes, I took it'. But then - like today, I go out there and count the pills in her bottle. 6. There were 6 pills in her bottle LAST Friday !! Aricept is supposed to help her memory not deteriorate.
She is getting physically frail. You know how much she has shrunk in height over the past few years. You know also that she is as independent as all cussedness. I asked her today to use her cane when she went outside. She totally blew me off.
She is still Granny. She will always love you and will remember you and your friends as long as she has her memories.
I will do my best to be honest and open with you about how Mom is. I don't pull many punches. Please feel free to call me or email me ( or 865-384-2962) anytime if you have questions or concerns.
Visit when you can, love always, and don't EVER feel bad about living YOUR life. Granny would want you to and expect you to.
I love you,
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