Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hooch is gone

Becky called me this morning. Gary had called her worried about Hooch. I told Becky I would call to see if I could get an appt and then go out, get Hooch and take him to the vet. By the time I called the vet Hooch was already there. Gary had taken him.
Hooch will not be going back to the farm.

I went out and told Mom that Hooch wasn't going to be coming back and she said "I just can't seem to keep a dog". She cried for a minute. Then we talked of some other things. She said several times though that she would just have to watch the Sunday want ads to find herself another airedale. :-(

Mom is an adult and has all the rights and responsibilities of an adult. She can buy a dog if she wants, no matter what we kids say. I feel for any dog that she manages to find.

I suggested she take a trip to Aunt Maggie's since she is unencumbered for the time being. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't.

While I was there Aunt Gloria called to say hello. Mom told Aunt Gloria that she had just noticed Hooch being a little lethargic and had asked Gary to take him to the vet because she isn't allowed to drive.

Mom didn't even see Hooch today. Gary's son had to carry him off the hill to the car because Hooch couldn't be coaxed into walking (from what I understand. I wan't there).

I am thinking more and more that I will simply move to the farm and live thre with Mom. Someone needs to and since I will be the least damaged financially, I guess it's up to me. I don't know if I will take Carl and Della with me or not. Michael has said he would take them if I need him to, for short term or long term. Maybe with my dogs there she won't feel the need to get another dog. But...... I am not sure I trust the safety of these two city dogs to Mom who feels that dogs need to be allowed to just run free. It will take some convincing for me to leave my dogs with her while I am at work. We'll see how things go.

Scott apparently has the insurance forms but hasn't had time to address them. I am hopeful he'll give them to me or to becky so that we can get a caregiver in for Mom. We can't do anything until the insurance company blesses it and I don't know when Scott is going to have time. He is dealing with his own family issues at present and may be distracted.

I'm going out tomorrow to make a copy of Mom's long term health insurance policy. I think it will be beneficial to know what it says, what it covers, and what it doesn't cover. If anyone else wants a copy, I will burn you one, just ask.

That is all for now...... I am sad. Mom is sad. Gary is sad. Thank God for Gary.... his presence has made it possible for us to put off making the decisions we need to make. But now it's time for Mom's family to be her heroes.

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