Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reality bites

Ok folks.... it's time everybody knew some happenings. I don't know why no one wants to air the dirty laundry. This is what this little blog is for !
Mom has started stealing. Whether she just forgets that she has something in her hands and walks out of a store or whether she is being shifty, there is no way to tell. But it is a symptom of this disease process. It isn't pretty. It is the reality.
Mom'll fool you. You can sit and chat with her and she'll seem fine. She isn't fine. She is never going to be fine again. You MUST know that and accept it.
Apparently she panicked on the flight to Texas when she didn't see anyone she knew. Aunt Maggie had to get the stewardess to switch seats for her so that she could sit beside mom. I am not sure it is safe for mother to fly back from Texas alone.
This is a long downhill slide, my brothers and sisters. It doesn't get better.

I set this blog up so that all of us could talk to each other in an open forum. It wasn't set up for Rob to simply report the occasional event.

Please post. If we all share the knowledge then the reality might be a LITTLE easier to deal with. But no way is it gonna be easy.

Please communicate. We are lost without communication. And it is for Mother's benefit, her safety, and her continued good health that I am asking for your input.

I love you.

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