Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Hope again!
I've been doing some research of my own on AD and found an older article in the Awake! magazine that is published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.I've got the URL and if you would like to read it just visit Don't worry , the Society won't try to reach you by your having visited their site. Nor will they contact me to let me know you visited. You should be able to print the article for yourselves if you decide that there is some good counsel in it. It has been helpful to me of course or I wouldn't have mentioned it.
I hope everyone is doing well. I miss reading what's going on up there with you all and Mom. I haven't been able to reach her by telephone or I wouldn't be so worried about her. I'll give one of you a call if I can't reach her again today. So I'll leave you now with only the encouragement to visit that URL. It could be helpful.
Love to you all,
Hope (and Sam)

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