Sunday, January 10, 2010

As I See It

AD continues its slow, steady invasion of Helen's brain. Thank God Scott got that one button coffee maker. She is shying away from all machines. She can't play her Don Williams anymore, she doesn't know which buttons to push. Same with the other appliances. Aside from reading, I can see when I go there what she does when she is alone in the evening. She straightens the house. She moves books/DVDs/Videos to different places and stacks them very neatly. I may start companioning a bit more, now that I know Dorothy can take a day twice a month so I can recover myself. The job is tedious. I mean, just being there, but you know all that. It's just that she needs another human being there and not be wandering about the house all alone straightening things. Amy found an excellent book dealing specifically with the early stages of the disease, although we may not be "there" that long if the current pace of the disease doesn't slacken. Her comfort zone is shrinking. She doesn’t want to go anywhere. Perhaps that’s the weather of late, perhaps not. She does want new fingernails put on. One of you women folk may want to do that, though I will. It is, after all, something she wants to do and it will get her out. The weather forecast is good for this week. (1/11/10)

Basically, any new thing/situation or information is what she can't assimilate. I'm not even sure she is understanding 100% of my end of our conversations as she doesn't pick up on the fact that I've changed the subject. So having said all that, I'm still using a "loose rein" approach to my companioning, letting her control what she can control, and do the lengthening list of things she can't do anymore myself...except give her a bath, of course, which she has quit doing also. She's showing the same exact symptoms that are in every book about the disease. The course of the disease is relatively predictable save for what time any new symptoms will manifest themselves, and they will. I wonder if she still does her own laundry? I'll ask Amy.

1 comment:

  1. Good day to all. Check this FROM AVIATION TO ICE.

