Monday, December 21, 2009

Hey Rob,
Thank you for the information. I did not know that mother has had mini-strokes. Some how I got out of the loop on that one. It causes me to wonder what else I might have missed.
Last time Sam and I visited Mother (Dec. 5 and 6) she exhibited some behaviors that were really a lot more pronounced than they have been before. I caught her looking at Sam once or twice in a way that made me think she was having trouble remembering who he was. She looked a little scared. So I used his name in the conversation and she seemed to relax.
And then she told us the story of how she and Daddy met, fell in love, married, lived on Thompson Place with Grandad. Of course we know she repeats things but this time she repeated the story almost word for word immediately after she finished the first account of it. I enjoy listening to her stories about the love she and Daddy shared ; I'm glad that that is the way she remembers her life with Daddy. I tend to remember Daddy with fondness myself.
The other happening was Saturday night. Scott had come to visit us and check to see whether Mom had taken her medication. It was around 8:30 to 9:00 . He stayed for 45 minutes or so just chatting with all of us. He left us around 8:45 to 9:30. About 10 minutes later Mother picked up the phone, called Scott (who was in bed already) , and told him that we were visiting and and asked if he wouldn't like to come over and visit with us . I don't know what he told Mom but he seemed to satisfy her. She didn't seem confused or hurt after she hung up the phone. As it was getting late we all said goodnight and went to bed - while Mother chose the couch.
Anyway, we took Mom out to Cracker Barrel on Sunday and she seemed to have a good time.
I know Sam and I did. Mom seemed to have a hard time remembering it was Sunday but that was easy to deal with - who really cared if it was Saturday or Sunday?!
Sam and I will try to come up to visit again early in February. And as always, we have you in our thoughts, and are grateful for the time and tender care you give our Momma.
Hope and Sam Peeples

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